Wednesday 1 April 2020

Shaun of the Dead: Social Background

The characters within the film are predominantly white and middle class as the main view of the film is through Shaun. it is set within a suburbia on the outskirts of London as suburban areas are stereo typically known to be filled with white people and were historically known to be built for only white people. Certain characters are presented on a spectrum of class as Liz's friends Dianne and David stand on the far side of the middle class which is shown within the opening scene as we find out that they got to the theatre and listed buildings also the clothing a they are dressed smartly and almost pretentious as Dianne is dressed in a colourful clothes and David looks like a ''chartered accountant''  whereas Ed is presented to be as working class as he is shown wearing a shirt and shorts and is presented as scruffy. Relationships and family are presented in a middle class way which is shown in the opening scene as Liz still not having met Shaun's parents is presented as a big deal to Liz's friends  as it is an expectation for your partner to meet their parents and Shaun also within the dumping scene Shaun promised Liz that he would drink wine as an alternative to beer.

Also a middle class expectation of growing up is a running theme throughout the film as Shaun's problem within the beginning of the film is him needing to grow up as Liz is the first to tell him this and he attempts this but fails and also Pete is another character which portrays a middle class expectation of living as he tells Shaun and Ed to grow up which is prevalent in the electro scene. Shaun is presented to be immature which is shown as his friend Ed and how Ed lives in the house as Pete says ''were not students anymore'' showing how Shaun and Pete need to grow up however we can see that Shaun is not as immature as Ed due to his clothing as he is shown wearing a dress shirt with a red tie sloppily on him showing that he has some maturity whereas Ed is always shown as scruffy wearing casual clothing and having no job but Pete is dressed smartly and is working in an office showing the spectrum of maturity within the house and the influence of both of them on Shaun leaves him in the middle of maturity and immaturity as Shaun has a dead end job in an electronics store.

 the theme of success is presented as Shaun faces a load of problems with his life within the beginning of the film as he is broken up with as he doesn't grow up in the middle class way for Liz as she wants to do more than go to the Winchester and wants do things more like her friends and we also see that Shaun's life doesn't fit with the expectation as he is constantly told to sort himself out.   


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